Week 1
How Heart Disease Develops (Part 1)
In these first two modules we lay the groundwork for the rest of the course by covering important cholesterol basics and debunking common myths about cholesterol and heart disease. In Part 1 you'll learn the two crucial - but little known - factors that drive the process of heart disease.
Week 2
How Heart Disease Develops (Part 2)
In this module, we continue Part 2 of our discussion of what really causes high cholesterol and heart disease. We'll cover the 4 primary causes of high cholesterol and heart disease as well as the 4 main causes of oxidative damage.
Week 3
How to Determine Your Risk of Heart Disease (Part 1)
In this module we begin by discussing the standard lipid panel, including which markers are useful and which aren't. You'll learn what a normal cholesterol level really is (it may not be what you think); which newer cholesterol tests you should get and how to interpret them, and which tests you shouldn't bother with.
Week 4
How to Determine Your Risk of Heart Disease (Part 2)
In this module you'll learn about additional tests that are used to determine heart disease risk – including Lp(a), CRP, LpPLA2, homocysteine, iron panel with ferritin, blood sugar markers and calcium scans – who should get them, and how to interpret the results.
Week 5
Heart-Healthy Diet and Lifestyle (Part 1)
In this module you'll learn the basic principles of a truly heart-healthy diet and lifestyle, including which foods to eat, which to avoid, and which dietary changes are most important.
Week 6
Heart-Healthy Diet and Lifestyle (Part 2)
In this module you'll learn about other important dietary and lifestyle factors that help protect against heart disease, such as basic supplementation, exercise and stress management.
Week 7
Separating Fact From Fiction About Statins
In this module you'll learn how statins work, what effects they have on different populations (like men with and without heart disease, women and the elderly), what side effects and risks they have, and how to minimize those side effects & risks if you are taking them.
Week 8
Natural Heart Disease Prevention
In this module you'll learn about medicinal foods, supplements, botanicals and nutrients that have been shown to reduce cholesterol and improve other biomarkers associated with heart disease.
Week 9
Create Your Personalized Action Plan
In this final module I'll take you through a step-by-step process for creating your own personalized action plan. This is the culmination of everything we've covered in the program so far, translated into a practical and easy-to-follow roadmap for preventing heart disease and avoiding unnecessary drugs and surgery.
Bonus Material
Throughout the course I recommended various micronutrients and botanicals that have been shown to improve cardiovascular health. But as we discussed, not all supplements are created equal. With each product there are important things to consider, such as the form the nutrient is in, how it is manufactured and processed and how it is absorbed…