Welcome to your first week! As you work through the program, you’ll see pages just like this for each week. Go through each step and complete the actions. In this first week, we’ll begin the preparations you need to make in order to get the most out of the 14Four program.
Step 1
Watch this week’s video from Chris Kresser.
Watch this week’s Program Overview video from Kelsey and Laura, your nutritionists.
Remove potential food toxins and stimulants. Watch the video from Kelsey on weaning yourself off of grains/flour, seed oils, sugar, alcohol and caffeine from your diet over the next two weeks.
Take entry quiz. Fill out your initial entry, and then we’ll remind you to do it again at the end of the program.
Take the supplement quiz and order supplements. In my work with patients, I’ve found that some people with certain health issues get even better results when they take supplements during the program. I’ve created a quiz to help you identify whether you might benefit from this extra support, and which supplements would be helpful.
Start reading the 9 Steps to Perfect Health. Review the first half of the eBook this week.
Set your start date! The first two weeks of this program are all about setting you up for success. We’ll give you the background information you need to know why you should eat this way, plus the tools to do it! To make sure you’re prepared to start your 14 day challenge, set a start date that is at least two weeks away from today and put it in your calendar!
Schedule time in your calendar for the program. If you haven’t been exercising, doing stress management, or cooking regularly, you’ll need to make sure you set aside a little extra time in your calendar for these activities. It’s a good idea to actually block this time out, as if you were scheduling an important appointment, so it gets prioritized. Otherwise, you’re likely to get busy and skip things.
Sign up for the Private 14-Day Challenge Facebook Group. Want to meet others who are doing this challenge, too? Great! You’ll need to request entrance to the Facebook group called “14Four Members” and we’ll accept you within 36 hours! Haven’t been approved for the group yet? Check your “other” messages folder to see if we’re having trouble matching your Facebook name to the purchase name.
After putting literally hundreds of people through programs like this, I’ve learned that the people that are most successful are those that have the most support. That’s why we’ve included membership in the 14Four Facebook group with this program. It’s a great place to connect with others enrolled in the program.
The Facebook group in not actively moderated by 14Four staff, and access is only granted to those who have purchased 14Four. Spouses and family members will not be admitted.
Print or save your handy cheatsheets! We designed these handouts to make your challenge as easy as possible. Print them out and hang them on your fridge or save them to your computer for easy access.
We’ve included a listing of the meal plan and snack recipes to give you an idea of what is ahead and what you will need to buy. The full recipes will become available in weeks 3 & 4.
We’ve provided easy snack recipes for folks who need a bit more calories than the original meal plan provides (about 1800 daily). You can add one or two of these snacks in a day to meet your increased needs, but be careful not to overeat or your weight loss may not be significant during the two week program.
Welcome to 14Four
Program Overview
Removing Flour, Sugar, Caffeine, and Alcohol
Review: 9 Steps to Perfect Health (Part 1)
- 14Four FAQs (pdf)
- 9 Steps to Perfect Health (pdf)
- Calendar (pdf)
- Cheatsheet: Taking out Flour, Sugar, Coffee/Alcohol (pdf)
- Cheatsheet: Paleo Carbohydrates (pdf)
- Cheatsheet: Paleo Proteins (pdf)
- Cheatsheet: Paleo Fats (pdf)
- Week 3 Meal Listing (pdf)
- Week 3 Shopping List (pdf)
- Snack Listing (pdf)