These core video modules make up the foundation of the Healthy Baby Code home study course. There are 6 modules, some of which are broken into multiple sections. An the bottom of the page for each module, you’ll find a downloadable PDF transcript and MP3 audio version of the module. These are meant to complement – not replace – the video modules. The videos contain pictures, charts, graphs and other visual information that makes absorbing this content much easier. So, even if you aren’t generally a fan of learning by video, I highly recommend you make an exception in this case!
Module 1
Discover how proper nutrition contributes to the lifelong health of your baby (the "developmental origins theory"), the sacred fertility foods used by traditional cultures around the world, and how to avoid the alarming increase in infertility and birth complications in the modern world.
Module 2
Macronutrients: fat, carbohydrates and protein
Learn how much protein, fat and carbohydrate your baby needs and why the type of each macronutrient may be even more important than the amount. Find out which fats are best for you and your baby (you might be surprised!), why too much fructose can be harmful, and why women naturally crave less protein during…
Module 3
Micronutrients: essential vitamins, minerals and fatty acids
Understand exactly which vitamins and minerals are critical for your health and the health of your baby (and which are potentially harmful), where to find them in foods, when it’s necessary to supplement and what dosage of each you need.
Module 4
Food toxins: cereal grains, seed oils, sugar/fructose & soy
Learn how four commonly eaten classes of foods contribute to infertility and poor health during and after pregnancy for both mothers and their babies, and how to replace these foods with nourishing, nutrient-dense alternatives.
Module 5
Breastfeeding & first foods: how long to breastfeed and how and when to introduce solid foods
Learn how long you should breastfeed, the key guidelines for introducing foods, which foods to introduce when, and how to minimize the risk of allergies, food reactions and autoimmunity.
Module 6
Putting it together: from fertility through the first year
Combine everything you’ve learned into a clear, focused strategy for supercharging your fertility, promoting a healthy pregnancy and raising a vibrant, beautiful baby.
Bonus Content
This is where you’ll find the bonus content. The purpose of these bonuses is to help you integrate and implement the material you learn in the core modules. The files are beneath the full list of bonuses and their descriptions. Food Plan This food plan will tell you exactly what foods you should be eating…
What to Eat This quick-reference sheet breaks foods down into three categories: “eat liberally”, “eat in moderation” and “avoid completely”. If you’re ever confused about what to eat, just refer to this sheet. You can put it on your refrigerator and take it with you when you travel. Essential Nutrients This quick-reference chart lists the…